Uberwald Scout Association
This vast area of the main continent is bordered by Nothingfjord on its widdershins edge and extends as far rimward as the Great Moulder Lake; its turnwise boundary runs from an area of the Ramtops hubwards of Lancre, then down the River Smarl to the point where the river debouches into the Sto Plains. It includes Uberwald and the former Uberwald states of Borogravia, Mouldavia and Zlobenia.
101 - Kaos Von Fluture
102 - Doar Neil Von Pune
114 - Emily Von Clack
117 - Jewels
119 - Mrs Moge
123 - Caroline
133 - Lucy
136 - Mistress Monday
140 - Reprobate#1
154 - True
157 - Wee Mad Becky
170 - Slightly Sane Rach
171 - Mister Tuesday
179 - Moge
182 - Debra
184 - LladyLletty
190 - A. J. Von Rimmer
244 - Reprobate 2
The troop summary on this page was extracted from The Compleat DISCWORLD ATLAS created by the lovely team at Discworld Emporium.