Sto Plains Scout Association
The Sto Plains stretches from the Circle Sea hubwards to the Carrock Mountains, turnwise to Pseudopolis and the Soar valley, and widdershins to the lower Smarl valley including Skund, Chirm and the Morpork Mountain range.
104 - Auntie Aching
108 - Tomato Earwig
112 - House Elf Val
129 - Nut
134 - Rippya Armow
162 - Miss Smith
174 - Countess Von Wyr
175 - Lady Mari Von Wyr
177 - LauraTheExplorer
178 - Keith
187 - Anita
192 - Dottie Batleigh
224 - Tom Foolery
225 - Heather
231 - Hubby No5 ?
232 - Mrs Whitlow
The troop summary on this page was extracted from The Compleat DISCWORLD ATLAS created by the lovely team at Discworld Emporium.