Muntab Province Association of Scouts and Howondaland Association of Scouts
The Rim Ocean territories widdershins of the Herelaya and Klatchistan mountain ranges are now generally known as the Muntab Provinces. Old maps had this area marked as the 'Back of Beyond'.
The area of continental Klatch called Howondaland - also known as 'The Dark Incontinent' - is ill-defined but generally taken to include the tribal areas of Howondaland, S'belinde, Urt, Urabewe, Laotan, Ymitury, T'etse, the Tezuman Empire and the Sumtri archipelago.
The area of continental Klatch called Howondaland - also known as 'The Dark Incontinent' - is ill-defined but generally taken to include the tribal areas of Howondaland, S'belinde, Urt, Urabewe, Laotan, Ymitury, T'etse, the Tezuman Empire and the Sumtri archipelago.
144 - Jeff
161 - Baron Monday
183 - Pearl Alum
185 - Colin
198 - Malcolm H
199 - Gareth
210 - The Lady Jan
213 - Pat
214 - Nathalie
215 - Adam
235 - TRiG
The troop summary on this page was extracted from The Compleat DISCWORLD ATLAS created by the lovely team at Discworld Emporium.