Counterweight Continent Scouts
Turnwise and rimward of Ankh-Morpork, the Counterweight Continent lies 500 miles from the Rim, extending hubwards as far as the Dire peninsula, just 1000 miles from the Hub. Most of the continent is occupied by the Agatean Empire. The state is surrounded by the remains of a twenty-foot-high stone wall which extends to the nearby islands of Tingling and Bhangbhangduc. The beTrobi Islands are located off the widdershins coast; Nafooi, and the volcanic Slakki islets, extend from the Agatean Sea towards Fourecks. Close to the Rim are the difficult to find Virgin islands.
113 - Mr Bingley Bongley
121 - Lousie McSweeney
142 - Fresh Daisy
146 - Dame Davina
153 - Threeweed
166 - Lady Dress
180 - 7
181 - Hiu-Kwong Hong
216 - Dee
217 - Nanny Sok
220 - Ook!
221 - Jorj
240 - Molly Peach-Palm
243 - Adora Belle
The troop summary on this page was extracted from The Compleat DISCWORLD ATLAS created by the lovely team at Discworld Emporium.