Piemur's Pathfinders
These trailblazing pathfinders are exceedingly good on the ground at finding their way through the thickest, densest places on the Disc.
If there is a good place to get lost, then they know it like the back of their paw.
A124 - Warren
A125 - DragonMouse
A130 - Stef Frontshall
A132 - Ardelaine
A139 - Keith
A156 - Elke
A159 - Alison Whemper
A161 - TRiG
A162 - Bursar Chas
A173 - Lady Rahela Ramkin
A174 - Lady Bekah Ramkin
A180 - Auditor R Us
A182 - Kyleka Von Uberwal
A183 - Purple Alice
A208 - Gina Rodley
A209 - Interchangeable Em
A245 - Dottie Batleigh
A246 - Brother Ailfrick
A247 - Dark Grey Alice.
A254 - Jack