Llamedos Holiday Camp Scout Jamboree - Newsletter #10

Schmae Campers,
Rwby, Rincewind and the rest of the purplecoats would like to wish you all a very Happy Hogswatch and a prosperous new year.
As we wind down at the end of 2023 we look forward to welcoming you all back to the Llamedos Holiday Camp Scout Jamboree in 2024.
We recently popped into the Diplomat hotel and they are really looking forward to seeing you all again.
Scout Troops
If you haven't yet chosen your scout troop please log into the guest area and do so as soon as possible.
Waiting List
We currently have a couple of tickets available on the waiting list. If you know someone that wants a ticket please get them to email us at info@llamedosholidaycamp.com
Hotel / Camping Payments
We've been informed that a small number of people still haven't called the Diplomat to secure their bookings. If you haven't called yet please do as soon as possible.
As a reminder the full balance for your booking will become due at the end of January.
Don't forget, if you have any queries, please email us at info@llamedosholidaycamp.com
Speak Soon,
Rincewind, Rwby and the Team!